RAdm Nam with Cdre Luyckx

Commander Combined Task Force (CCTF) 151, Rear Admiral (RAdm) Nam Dong Woo recently visited Commodore René Luyckx, CCTF 465, of the European Union Naval Force (EUNAVFOR) to strengthen ties.

RAdm Nam, of the Republic of Korea (ROK) Navy, visited, Commodore Luyckx of the Royal Netherlands Navy, onboard the CTF 465 Flagship His Netherlands Majesty’s Ship (HNLMS) TROMP to develop the relationship between Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) and EUNAVFOR.

The purpose of the visit was twofold.  Firstly, to discuss important issues relating to the co-operation between CTF 151 and CTF 465, and secondly to discuss plans to strengthen the relationship between the two task forces to make their counter-piracy efforts more effective.  It was agreed that improved understanding of future plans, limitations and strategies of both CTF 151 and CTF 465 would create a more comprehensive counter-piracy strategy, including action plans that will allow better co-ordination of operations and training activities.

RAdm Nam said: “This was a great opportunity to discuss the importance of co-ordination and information-sharing between CTF 151 and CTF 465. We now have a strong basis of understanding from which we can achieve even more effective counter-piracy missions together.”

RAdm Nam, who has offered to host CCTF 465 on board a ROK Ship in the near future, added: “We have interconnected our planning strategies for the future.   This closer working relationship will allow better deployment of our counter-piracy forces.”

CTF 151 was established in 2009 and is focused on the disruption of piracy and armed robbery in the maritime environment. It also engages with regional and other partners to build capacity and improve relevant capabilities in order to secure freedom of navigation and protect global maritime commerce.

RAdm Nam on the bridge of HNLMS Tromp
Staff from CTF 151 and CTF 465

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